Friday, March 31, 2017

Passover and Easter arrives once again at Edgewood

  Well even though it may not feel very springy outside, you definitely know its spring when the holidays come knocking at your door. It is one of our busiest times here at the shop, and one of my most favorite holidays. Don’t get me wrong, it is 2 weeks of a lot work! Actually if you count the preparation it takes to order the flowers, containers, plants and contact customers, it is more like a month and a half. But it is a labor of love! Why else would one be in this industry for so long if it weren’t for the love of flowers!

We also spend quite a bit of time trying to come up with new and trendy designs for our loyal consumers. We know that most of them send flowers to the same people every year, and it is important that we keep up with what’s new so that we can offer it to them. 

Although the glass cube is elegant and a good vessel for flowers for the table, there are other alternatives out there. Of course it is also true that everything old is new again, even as far as flowers That being said, baskets are once again considered trendy. 

 As for floral designs, the use of classy gardeny type flowers with interesting greenery gives us a new relaxed yet “upscale” look that seems to be creating quite the stir. Textures are important, and the use of certain variety of flowers combined with interesting greens is what creates this look.  So we designed around that, and came up with these lovely centerpieces.

However, as these holidays arrive in the spring time, don’t forget about spring flowers. 
Tulips are one of the springiest flowers out there and always a popular choice.

 Who doesn’t love a vase filled with wonderful tulips?!! I know most of you are hesitant about sending tulips as they don’t last that long, but they do bring smiles to everyone who receives them!

 So isn’t that worth everything?

Now there are some of you out there that are not looking for centerpieces, but maybe just a nice flowering plant to dress up someone’s home.


Phalaenopsis orchids are a very popular choice. Now I know that some of you are asking why it costs more at a flower shop than the ones I pick up at the grocery stores.

 Let me explain it to you. First off, they buy in extreme bulk, so this drives the price way down. For the most part they are “lost leaders” to them.

 In other words, they don’t care if they sell, or make anything on them. The plants are there simply to entice you to buy something else while you shop around.

  Also, they are much, much smaller than the ones we sell. The plants and the blooms are nothing compared to what we have here at the shop, and at the grocery stores they are not taken care of, unlike at our store. We take care of them and decorate them up with branches and moss and put them in a great ceramic container! I just wanted to clear that up.

Now if Orchids aren’t your thing, there are always Hydrangea plants. They are also a very springy type of plant that comes in such wonderful colours! They do, however, require some care when you bring them home. They need bright light to keep flowering and NEED to be watered DAILY!!! Though do make sure they have adequate drainage, as they don’t need to sit in a lot of water. But they are beautiful, don’t you think?

Of course there are so many other things you may wish to send to your family or close friends. 

We here at Edgewood we will help with any of your questions, listen to your requests and make suggestions accordingly.

So that choosing your flowers for those you care for will be a very pleasant and happy experience!

As it should always be, besides they’re flowers, how could anyone not share a smile where flowers are concerned!!

   You can always visit our web site if you wish to see what else we have to offer at

So have a very Happy Passover, a very Happy Easter or simply a very Happy Day everyone!!! Just remember to say it with flowers!!!